Thursday, April 3, 2008

hi bloggyblog, i'm pammypam

So I'm lucky enough to share a cubicle space with someone I actually like. And this person just so happens to think i ought to document my ridiculous happenings, rather than re-hashing my stories at the water cooler.

A blog is born. Said person also came up with the brilliance that is the title of this blog. Stephanie, I dedicate this blog to you. Thanks for all those times you never told me I was being irrational when I explained why it was that drinking three bottles of champagne at brunch was acceptable behavior.

Speaking of Stephanie, she rode her fixed gear bikesickle on her first group ride yesterday night! Way to go Stephanie. Appropriately, the storm of the century rolled in about halfway through the route. Okay, so i'm being slightly dramatic. BUT, it was windy as all hell and that little, stingy kind of rain that sucks so bad. We survived though, albeit a strong resemblance to drowned rats when all was said and done. No worries, the pub has hand dryers! We ran the dryers too much, though, and the proprietor of the establishment yelled at us. So we all got drinkies and forgot about how wrecked we looked.

god bless st. pete. and god bless whiskey.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Look at you go, little miss blog-tastic.